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Просмотр фильмов онлайн. Каллиста Фильм к 2024 году полность

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 3 years ago

Callista film provides a new service to buy and receive films within 10 minutes. Any production can now be downloaded to your computer. By downloading films you get certain advantages. You can now exclude delivery by post.
1. Gains in speed of delivery. Parcel by mail can go from 7 to 10 days, and in some countries even longer than that. You can download and receive a movie in 10 minutes.
2. it eliminates damage to the product. Sometimes there can be damage to a package during delivery by post. This is rare, but it happens. This does not happen with a download.
3. Real savings. The cost of movies decreases because postage and overheads disappear. For the same money you can buy not one, but two or three films. Many have already done so.
4. Real comfort. You can download a movie from anywhere you have internet access. You don't have to go to the post office or wait for a courier all day to get your package. There is simply no need to wait. Buy, download and watch.
5. During a pandemic, borders and air services may be closed. If you receive the item through regular mail, closed borders and interrupted communication will cause you a lot of inconvenience. There will be no such thing when downloading a video product. There are no borders for downloading.
6. It is now possible to download not only videos but also print products. We have a lot of prints which you can download to your computer and decorate your hall.
7. It is now possible to provide video material not included in the films. We have a lot of material for you to watch. Films are often trimmed and many episodes are deleted.
8. Get the original version, not a fake. There are many versions of our films on the internet. Many copies are trimmed and passed off as a complete film. Callista film ensures that you get the full film.
9. Get a quality product. As we have noted there are many versions of our films walking around on the internet. Not only are they incomplete, they are also of abysmal quality. We guarantee that you get the quality of the original.
10. Money Back Guarantee. If something has gone wrong, you can get your money back.
The only problem may be the slow internet connection you have.
All movies are packed into a zip archive. Usually the download time takes 5-7 minutes. The minimum price is $1.49 (109 rubles) and the maximum is $7.99 (588 rubles). The whole procedure is simplified to a minimum. You go to the site, choose a movie, pay by card, download the zip archive, unzip it to your computer and watch the movie. You can even do it during training. The website address is:
For more information visit:
With respect to all fans of sambo and judo, Dmitry Avenirovich Pavlov, General Director of Kallista Film.

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Posted 4 years ago

29 марта 2020 года состоится бой за титул COLLOSEUM TEAM между Магомедовым и Енгибаряном.
Грачик Енгибарян является тренером центра единоборств Каллиста. Записаться на занятия к Енгибаряну можно в любое время.
Более подробно:

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Posted 5 years ago

Store of DVD movies, posters and books. all feedback…
We accept payments with PayPal

Kallista film offers a variety of products for self-study. You visited a store of textbooks, DVD films, visual aids on sambo and judo. All products are divided into categories.

Judo on DVD. Here you will get acquainted with video films about techniques and methods of judo.
Sambo on DVD. This category includes video films about the technique and methods of sambo combat.
Judo books. This section consists of books and DVDs about judo techniques and techniques published in Japan. The authors of these books and films, the best trainers and teachers in
Japan. Demonstrate technique champions of Japan, world champions, Olympic champions in judo.
Sambo posters. If you need visual aids to combat sambo or you need to decorate the gym, then this section is for you.
Judo posters. Get acquainted with this section more closely. Here you will find answers to the following questions. How many belts are in judo and what techniques do you need to know when taking the belt exam. Posters are sold in several formats. To decorate the gym and a portable option.
Products at a discount. Take a look at this section. Here you will see a combination of various goods, collections, which can be bought with a discount of up to 50%.
Economy option. This section is necessary for those buyers who are interested in only one movie. Pay attention to this section is divided into Economy version of judo and Economy version of Sambo.
Free products. Products in this section will be available for free.

With respect to all buyers and guests of our store. CEO of Kallista Film Pavlov Dmitry Avenirovich.

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Posted 5 years agoКупить. Борьба самбо. Дзюдо.
Магазин ДВД фильмов, плакатов и книг.
See all feedback

Мы принимаем платежи через

Каллиста фильм предлагает разнообразную продукцию для самостоятельного обучения. Вы посетили магазин учебной литературы, DVD фильмов, наглядных пособий о борьбе самбо и дзюдо. Вся продукция делиться на категории.

Дзюдо на DVD. Здесь вы познакомитесь с видео фильмами о технике и методике дзюдо.
Сабо на DVD. В эту категорию входят видео фильмами о технике и методике борьбы самбо.
Дзюдо книги. Этот раздел состоит из книг и DVD фильмами о технике и методике дзюдо изданными в Японии. Авторы этих книг и фильмов, лучшие тренера и преподаватели Японии. Демонстрируют технику чемпионы Японии, чемпионы Мира, Олимпийские чемпионы по дзюдо.
Самбо плакаты. Если вам нужны наглядные пособия по борьбе самбо или вам нужно украсить спортивный зал, то этот раздел для вас.
Дзюдо плакаты. Познакомьтесь с этим разделом повнимательней. Здесь вы найдёте ответы на следующие вопросы. Сколько поясов в дзюдо и какие приёмы надо знать при сдаче экзамена на пояс. Плакаты продаются в нескольких форматах. Для украшения спортивного зала и переносной вариант.
Товары со скидкой. Загляните в этот раздел. Здесь вы увидите сочетание различных товаров, сборников, которые можно купить со скидкой до 50%.
Эконом вариант. Этот раздел нужен тем покупателям кто интересуется только одним фильмом. Обратите внимание этот раздел делиться на Эконом вариант дзюдо и Эконом вариант самбо.
Бесплатная продукция. Товары этого раздела можно будет получать бесплатно.

С уважением ко всем покупателям и гостям нашего магазина. Директор: Каллиста фильм, директор: центра единоборств Каллиста: Павлов Дмитрий Авенирович.

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