(Registerd Channal)
Pakistan News And Public Questions/Answers and We will publish the news while obeying the law]
1:We review the government's situation with people.
2:People review what the government complains about.
3:Answer the question of government and opposition to the people.
4:You can intertain with public Question/Answers.
5:You will enjoy answering people's questions on our channel.
6:We will be the support of poor and helpless people.
7:Use our platform to convey the oppression of a poor to the highest authorities.
Tum Pakistan Team:
Reporter1: Ayyan Sarwar
Reporter 2: Nazim Arshad
Reporter 3: Bilal Razaq
Reporter 4: Ume Rubab
Reporter 5: Alishba Shahid
Reporter 6: Junaid Nadeem
Reporter 7: Agha Haider
Copyrights : All vedio on this channal are owned rights. We do not shoot and upload any video without permissions.We upload where we get paradise.
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