Welcome to Everyone Racers! Join us in the world of low dollar endurance racing and any car culture items we like. It’s about all kinds of car stuff, and sometimes non car stuff. In the end, It doesn’t matter what kind of lemochamp or lucky track dog league you run, SCCA or NASA. Show & shine, vintage, whatever gets your blood pumping is cool; as long as you drive it, and do some work yourself. It’s a weekly podcast, most of the time, on iTunes, Spotify and anything else we can find. This channel isn't as regular, but you should still think about a subscription. We will do live broadcats, trackside discussions, race updates, trade show stuff, and even some car reviews. The Podcast covers tech discussion, tips, tricks as well as news and notes from the world of low-dollar endurance racing, the automotive world and oddball car things. Thanks for stopping by!