UnBeltway is a group of the Worst People in the World. We are elitist Northeasterners and many of us were interns at Arthur Gardner's public policy firm. We hate freedom, and we hate the poor. Unlike Bill Clinton, we did have sex with that woman, assuming that woman is your mom.
In 1789, UnBeltway was secretly placed by Pierre L'Enfant in the sacred geometry of Washington, DC. Watching all these videos will give you clues to the Secret Masonic Treasure laid here by our forefathers. We can't say what the treasure is, but you may want to wear gloves.
We want you to get off our phone because we weep for our country. We know that the world is really a dream inside the head of Bo Obama.
We tip our hats at middle America and wag our fingers at the working class, and affirm the universal truth that A = B. We will still be wearing bowties at 30 and we are hurting America. We used to be members of the Vast Right-wing Conspiracy, but dropped out to pursue a career subverting the principles of the Founding Fathers. We can see Russia from our log Cabin Republicans.
We are wizards of smart who are embarrassed by the folks. We framed both Albert Dreyfuss and Shirley Sherrod, and leaked fake documents to Dan Rather. We want to make Andrew Breitbart our b@#%h.
FOX ALERT BREAKING NEWS: UnBeltway is a big f@#%ing deal.