We create video with story. 專精於製作引人入勝的視覺故事,給人們留下持久的印象。 透過創新和想像力的鏡頭,每一幀、每個鏡頭、每個細節都揭示了一個等待講述的故事。
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手機:0920066912 (或加Line溝通)
I'm Amateur Ambience, a watched walker who creates asmr vlog and cinematic travel video of city walks, city soundscape, nature recording, field recording, & virtual hike, capturing the essence of public realm, including its architecture, landscape, landmark, people, and events. The binaural ambience can study with me and reduce stress.
follow me:
IG: www.instagram.com/amateurambience/
FB: www.facebook.com/AmateurAmbience
Twitter: twitter.com/AmateurAmbience
Kit: kit.co/AmateurAmbience
#amateurambience #citywalks #asmr #naturerecording #studywithme #studywithem #fieldrecording #landmark #watchedwalker #vlog #citysoundscape #cinematictravelvideo #slowtv #virtualhike #reducestress #業餘環靜音 #催眠 #噪音 #減壓 #背景音 #瞑想 #旅遊 #宁静 #助眠 #打坐 #咖啡廳音樂 #冥想引導 #流水聲 #失眠 #瑜珈 #大自然 #冥想音樂 #療癒音樂 #白噪音 #城市散步 #散步