The home of MoeMentum of the Prince Bruce Music family.
The only place on YouTube where Instrumentals, Clean Edits, Type Beats, and much more are featured all at once.
Music for games, content creators, artists, and more.
Share your favorite videos with your favorite people.
Stay hydrated, Stay Moetivated, & Be limitless. #BuildingMoementum
PLEASE NOTE: Music on this channel is used for both listening and content creating purposes. I own the rights to all music on the channel. Please note if a track is ever claimed by someone else, simply dispute and inform them that you have full permission. Link them this video and everything should work out!
This does not happen but in case it does in the future, that's how you solve it.
EPIC PARTNER use code: Moementum (Fortnite, Rocket League, Etc.)