This is a channel made specifically for those who want to become their
best versions in life!
Anime is my favorite form of entertainment, and we Anime to breakdown
characters and the lessons we learn from anime, and talk about ways we
can apply those lessons and character traits to our own lives to become
Our best version!
On this channel, we will speak on semen retention benefits and nofap
women attraction. Semen retention attraction comes from discipline and
focus. And honestly nofap attraction will only work if you can learn to build
up your Chakra levels. semen retention women attraction is what comes
to those who are able to sacrifice and control their flesh unlike just about
all the other guys out there in the world. Semen retention magnetism and
nofap benefits come from being a man on your purpose just like Naruto
was and just like Sasuke Uchiha was. Benefits of semen retention will
always happen if you can control your urges and defeat the flesh! Power be
with you!