This channel has enhanced editions of older Supernatural convention videos, primarily focused on Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. My goal is to create the best and most watchable versions available for some of the older con videos and make them more accessible.
Typical enhancements:
* Visual improvements to the original footage. Upscaling if possible, some stabilization to reduce shakiness, color corrections if needed.
* GOOD color-coded subtitles.
* Additional content to add context to various references made during the videos.
* When available, multiple sources are edited together to create the most complete and watchable video of the event possible. If my primary source is missing part of the footage, I'll try to find an alternate video that has it and edit that in. Likewise, if possible, I'll cut to another video when audience heads block the view for very long. I may also use audio from a different video than the one displayed to get clearer audio.