ILY Michael!
You were the greatest musician ever.
It's hard to believe you're gone.
You were really good looking, to start off. It's incredible. Through Thriller and Bad you were gorgeous.
You're music changed the world. Without you, music wouldn't be the same at all.
You're dancing was genius. You had great talent and by all means changed the dancing world.
To me, now that I really look at things, when people look at pop culture YOUR name should come to mind.
You were a legend. You will forever be missed.
I love you!!
My biggest influence is Michael Jackson. Ever since he passed I've realized just what kind of a guy he really was. A sweet, caring guy. He never did what he was accused of. His music and dancing gave me a whole different look at life. I really do like him. He's AMAZING!
I'm just a a13 year old that got bored one day and now I give information to people about different bands.