Welcome To My Gaming Show Theatre of Wonder and Magic
Thank you for your Support and Donations 💖
Deep Love and Appreciation 😊
Love and Light Flow to all
Godspeed 💜 Godlove
🌠🎤🎸🎹🎶 Gaming Theatre - The Spiritual Gamer - Twin Flamed - Heart and Fire - Flowing and Growing Everyday - Eclectic - I Love to Play all kinds of Video GaMeZ from the current of the present and from the past on all systems - to use any technique that works - to keep an open mind - Piscean fish - I flow with the rivers of time and space - Be like water my friends - Video game Controllers are my instruments - Natural expression - through my fingers - through my voice - Natural movements - Martial Arts - Tennis - Tekken 7 King Lei LioNHearT - Bruce Lee - Jackie Chan - Funny - Insights -Realizing - TV Commercials - Movies - Music - Raw moments - Vulnerability and Strength - Family - Singing and Dancing - Silliness and Laughter - Gratitude - Stay Tuned In 😇 Harmony