Veda Seeds is a leading seed company based in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India, that was founded in 2011. Established by professionals with extensive experience in the seed and agribusiness industries.
We are proud that Veda Seed Sciences Pvt. Ltd. has played a significant role in the success stories of Indian cotton farmers. With a base of many more millions of farmers throughout India, we are generating high-yielding cotton lines and hybrids with Bollgard Technology for resistance to bollworms. From past ten years, 18 million farmers have trusted our products. With a consistently excellent growth rate, our seeds are planted over a huge area of more than a million acres of farmland.
"We are the principal professionals .. we do.. only we do.. high-yielding BG II Cotton Hybrid Seeds".
#vedaseedsciences #vedaseeds #agriculture #platinumhybridbtcottonseeds #agriculturelife #farmers #farmersmarket #Veda_Platinum #Veda_Dharma_Gold #Veda_DrChandra_Gold #Veda_Abhaya_Gold #Veda_Gowtami_Gold