The Australian Sex Party fights to protect your personal rights and freedoms. We think most of our politicians are out of touch with modern Australians on issues like pornography, drugs, same sex marriage and abortion. We are here to shake up Australian politics and stop the nanny state. Established in 2009 as a response to increasingly draconian censorship laws and escalating Government encroachment on adult’s civil liberties. The party now has over 6,000 members and have played an incredibly vital role in shaping the Australian political and social landscape:
We legislated 150m ‘Safe Access Zones’ around all Victorian fertility clinics
We were the first Party to call for a Royal Commission into Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
We were a driving force in legalising R-Rated video games
We elected ASXP leader, Fiona Patten, to the Victorian Government
All entries on this channel have been authorised by Robbie Swan for the Australian Sex Party 10 Ipswich st Fyshwick ACT 2609