No content on this channel :c try Try Looking at shorts maybe lol :p
Air, anugerah indah dari Sang Pencipta, adalah nadi kehidupan di bumi. Setiap tetesnya menyimpan rahasia keberadaan segala makhluk hidup. Dari kedalaman samudra hingga puncak gunung, air mengalirkan kehidupan.
Setiap tetesan air (droplets) memberikan warna-warni (colours) pada kehidupan.
Air, ikan hias, aquarium, tanaman, dan keindahan alam, saya simpan di channel ini agar bisa dinikmati semua orang, semoga menambahkan rasa syukur pada Sang Pencipta
Water, a beautiful gift from God the Creator, is the lifeblood of the Earth. Each drop holds the secret of the existence of all living things. From the depths of the ocean to the peaks of mountains, water flows, giving life.
Each droplet of water adds colours to life.
I keep the beaty of water, ornamental fish, aquariums, plants, and natural beauty in this channel so everyone can enjoy it. Hopefully, it will increase our gratitude to God.