Hello there.
I'm Emilie. I'm 15, and I've been a strong Jonas Brothers fan since 2005. I own all four albums that they have released, and my copy of 'Its About Time' is NOT for sale.
I only log onto this account sometimes, and only to check up on things, because its not my main channel. If you see a responce to your comment that has my name in it, spelled right, it's me on a different account. Emilieisrad is my main one.
I don't accept friend requests because ;
1. My email gets spammed when you send me videos, and its bothers the crap out of me.
2. I don't know you, and you kind of aren't my friend.
3. I'm rather lazy, and I don't get to it fast enough.
Just message me if you want to talk to me, or if you have any questions or requests!