What on earth is that ? Is this guy really juggling with a pen ?
Yes I am. Here's a very strange sport (or art ?) which is called "penspinning"
To practise it you just need a pen and... your fingers, that's very useful when you don't know what to do ^^
Some people find it very impressive , other just think it's funny. Make your own opinion on it.
To say the least, penspinning has become more and more popular (especially in schools ^^).
Regarded as a unknown mechanical pasttime 10 years ago, penspinning is now a real sport. There are more than 100 000 real penspinners accross the world, especially in Asia (Japan, China, Thailand) and every student knows how to make a pen spin around the thumb. There is even a world tournament and some major penspinning events (collaboration videos between different countries) in which i often take part, representing France, as you can see on my videos.
The competition side doesn't really matter in penspinning, most of the penspinners just spin their pens for fun. This is not a real way of living , just some kind of entertainement we practise from time to time ^^