It is my desire to bring answers to those who have questions about the 1843 and 1850 charts. There have been alterations made on many of the charts we have files on today.
I just saw a picture on a video that shows William Miller preaching from an altered chart. It was a very nice job done by someone in Photoshop or some other picture manipulating program but many out there cannot tell the difference from an original and one that is changed.
We have evidence and examples that we can discern the truth from and it is my desire to share some of the evidence and thoughts I have on these charts.
I feel that because some in the faith have used the best versions of the charts available at the time, that we assume that they are the best and right ones to use.
This logic is not sound. If all I had was a NIV bible and later I found a KJV it is my duty as a Spirit led Christian to come higher and purer and change from the Bible I love and know to the one that was original,