Lora is an experienced Nurse Practitioner with expertise working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in educating and empowering clients to create mental, emotional, and physical health. She is a Plant medicine advocate, educator, and ceremony facilitator. And also an Expert in excavating the impact of trauma and facilitating neurological rewiring.
She has a strong business development professional with a Certification focused in Functional Medicine from Institute for Functional Medicine.
Her goal is to remind you that no matter what has happened to you, your whole, the true authentic self remains intact.
This unique approach does not seek to make you feel better or numb your pain. It invites you directly into feeling your pain, finding your power, and fueling your purpose. If you are ready to be free of your victim story, then you are in the right place!
It is her mission to inspire, teach, and mentor you as you remember you are whole.