Well, I'm an Italian boy, I FAIL at school, but I don't care since I'm damn good at a lot of other shit.
I'm 12, pretty tall, dark brown hair, dark brown eyes.
My favourite band is KoRn. I'm the biggest KoRn mark you'll ever meet. I'm also sure you'll never find any Flyleaf fan who loves Lacey Mosley more than I do. :D
My birthday is the 16th of April.
I love having fun with my friends, going around my neighbourhood and playing anything related to music.
My idols are Jonathan Davis, Brian Welch and Jack Sparrow.
Hope you like my videos, though even if you don't I couldn't care less.
I do NOT appreciate useless comments on my videos.
If you have a negative opinion about anything that I like, keep it to yourself. I'm not telling you not to have an opinion, I'm telling you that I don't give a fuck about it.
Subscribe or unsubscribe... who cares? I won't stop doing what I like to do, and you sure can't stop me either.