MY STORY:My name is Snowfrost.I was born to Graysky( mother) and Leafclaw( father). They were the leaders of the Silent Shadow wolf pack. It cosisted of my mother and father. Our beha wolf was Nails, the others were Slide and Flower who were litter-mates. When my father died and Nails took charge. It was horrible! After he only let us eat crow food that we found. Then one day Graysky had had anuf and left. Ofcourse I went with.Along with Stone and Clay,Nails and Flowers pups.We soon found another wolf pack called the Shian pack.This pack consisted of the leader Amaraq his mate Longnose and there pup Kapu who wasnt realy a pup but a youngblack furred male.Oh yes and his two sisters Silver and Sister.