All Aboard!! Welcome to Conductor Jereo's Channel. On here you'll have your mind filled with fascination over different incredible train layouts (and especially my own layouts at home). Trains from Z to G Gauge. Not only that but Thomas & Friends Merchandise will be filmed as well!! Jereo collects a lot of Thomas and The Wiggles from Childhood. Everyone (including little children) will love those kinds of videos, so stay tuned. Also, amusement parks will be involved as well and especially the ones set up on the train layouts. Jereo's all-time favorite ride has always been the Wave Swinger growing up, can't help but enjoy riding on that Legendary Ride. Jereo will also film farms and windmills (and yes especially on the layouts). Videos and shorts will be uploaded as often as possible, they're gonna be really incredible. As Jereo says in the descriptions, "Enjoy, Like, Comment and Subscribe". Have fun on this channel everyone!! Also, follow me on Instagram: @conductorjereocheerio