"None of you will enter paradise unless you believe and none of you truly believe unless you love one another" Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Started as a dozen volunteers working together to Build Bridges - to promote Peace and Dialogue through Proactive Interactions at individual and organizational levels -- and to share the knowledge & beauty of Islam. Working together with all people of faith and celebrating what we have in common under the sky.
Our users match up with our content on MuslimBridges.org site. You will find pages dedicated to such topics as Islam and Human Rights, environment, animal rights, peace & ending oppression / occupation.
Also see sections dedicated to Youth, Latinos, African Americans, new Muslims ...
While our goal is to communicate the basic principles of Islam, we find ourselves often as witnesses for Shahada (declaration of faith) by people wanting to embrace Islam. Some do individually, or as groups! Some old, some as young as 15!