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6 days ago - 74 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Starting things off, a new episode of AMT will release today as usual! I do apologize for the delay in content lately, things have just been very busy in my personal life and will continue to be as I go through life. Thank you all so much for being patient with me!

Second of all, I wanted to ask y’all a question! I’ll be going on vacation at the end of this week, and I’m unsure if I’ll be able to upload on time while I’m there, so here’s what I thought: would you all rather have no post or a small video? I have some ideas listed in the poll, so just let me know what you guys think!!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

1 week ago - 115 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Unfortunately, there won’t be a post this week as I’ve been surprisingly busy with my personal life, but I’m hoping to get back on track next week, so I apologize for the delay!

Instead, since I’ve been trying to work more on my novel, I wanted to show y’all the prologue (Chapter 0, whichever) of my book! Chapter 1 has already been put up on the channel, so feel free to go read the unedited version of Chapter 1 in community posts as well! (Make sure to tap the photo to read the full thing!)

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

2 weeks ago - 262 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Starting things off, there will be no new episode this week as I’ve been unfortunately busy (as two days ago was my birthday and I’ve been doing stuff with family in advance!). In place of the usual upload, I decided I’d put out what songs I thought fit some of my characters! Check out the songs and artists if you’re interested! Also feel free to leave your own thoughts and songs for these characters or any other characters across the series’!

(Also, yes, that is baby Asmo. Yes, baby Asmo did have brown hair instead of black, this is explained near the end of season 1 of TEAHD if you’re curious)

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

3 weeks ago - 151 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Starting things off, the next episode of AMT will be released today as usual! Though, there might be a delay due to being busy this past week, so be prepared to expect it a little later than usual!

Second thing to announce, there will most likely be no upload next week as I’m going to be busy with personal events and trying to finish up my novel once and for all! When it’s done, I’ll be sure to give y’all some sneak peaks of the prologue!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

1 month ago - 159 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Starting things off, the next episode of AMT will be out today as usual! Though, do expect a delay as my week has been very busy and I haven’t had much time to work on AMT as much as I wanted to.

Second thing for today, I know it’s been a bit since I’ve mentioned this, but I’ve finally hit 50k+ words for my novel! I’m almost done with the story before I go back and do some edits, but it’s planned to be published sometime this summer, so keep yours eyes peeled for it!

That’s all I have for today!
Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

1 month ago - 175 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Starting things off, the next episode of A Murderer’s Therapist will be coming out later today as usual! It might be a little late and shorter than usual, but I do hope y’all will still enjoy it just as much!

Also, there might or might not be a post next week as I will be very busy and might not have time to work on a new episode. I’ll be sure to let y’all know though if that’s the case, just wanted to let y’all know in advance!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

1 month ago - 176 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

For starters, after a long break, A Murderer’s Therapist is finally returning! The newest episode will be posted around the usual time, though it could be a bit late depending on how things go today! Though, I do hope y’all are excited for its return!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

1 month ago - 166 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

There’s actually not too much to say other than A Murderer’s Therapist will hopefully be returning next week! If anyone wants to know more details, go check out my latest video explaining everything!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

2 months ago - 186 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Of course, I’m still on break, but I plan to release a video later this week to better explain my break to those who can’t see community posts and explain when I’ll be back! Thank y’all so much for your continued patience with me, life has been hectic and it’s now finally starting to calm down just a little bit.

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!

2 months ago - 234 likes

Hello my little flames!!
It’s time for the weekly announcements!:

Unfortunately, I will be extending my break from A Murderer’s Therapist as I continue to focus on finishing my novel. I also will be taking a longer break because I have been processing the passing of another one of my family members, one a little closer to home this time. They passed just last week, so I have been unable to do any work besides writing for school, so I do apologize. I hope to be able to post again soon, but in the meantime, please be patient with me! I will be back to posting on a regular schedule in a few weeks, so I hope to see y’all then!

Hope y’all are having a great day/afternoon/night!!