Hello! I’m Karina. I’m under the covering of Pastor Christian Alvarado from Iglesia Fire Up. Welcome to Waiting On God! Waiting on God means that "we wait on the Lord to act, to deliver, to answer our prayers, to renew our strength, to do what only God can do. We wait on Him because He is God and we are not." As we wait on God, He renews our mind which shapes us and transforms into the people He has called us to be. If we are willing. This channel is about my encounter with Jesus and everything that came with that encounter. Whoever said being a Christian was boring, was wrong! God takes you on a roller coaster ride and begins to do a work in you. I will be talking about my testimonies and experiences that led me to where I am now. I pray that this reaches someone’s heart and provides some kind of assurance and hope in their life.
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Instagram: @_waiting_on_god