I'm a Video Marker for businesses. This involves making videos for local clients such as Dentists, Plumbers, Vets, Public Houses...and more, and then optimizing them to get their message across to billions of YouTube viewers.
Not only can I get a local business video to the top of YouTube, I can also get them to the top of the biggest search engine on the planet...Google! This means I can optimize a video so well that it cannot fail to bring in viewers to their videos. It works very well for both parties, in which I get paid and my client gets visitors and ultimately, more business.
I can also set up their YouTube channels by designing the channel artwork as well as becoming their social go-to man. This means a client will get a Twitter account fully designed, a Facebook page, Pinterest account, G+ artwork and whatever other social signal they desire. It's an all-in-one package, takes about a week to deliver and doesn't cost the earth.
Please get in touch if you would like a quote!