And, so I ask, "What is the very essence of what it is to be human?" We must MAKE MEANING! Let's leave TRACES worth remembering. 😇
Join me through this channel as I tell my truth about: 1) LIVING Life in Canada. 2) WAYS on how to COME to Canada. 3) the EXPERIENCES that may be beneficial & may 'enable' #YOU.
Conceptualizing, researching, writing scripts & shooting videos aiming to share my thoughts through this channel liberate me. Thus, I remain to be a student of what I am doing & of life...for life.
Together, let us evolve! Don’t let your race obscure the view. Ensure to TREASURE the TRACES…LEARN, & then learn some MORE & let that learning be the key unlocking the chain to healing, love, peace, happiness & to success.
Videos are mostly in English/Tagalog (Tag/Lish).They're my originals! I don't grab other people's concepts and make them my own.
Please feel free to comment, suggest, ask questions and -❗️SUBSCRIBE, 👍🏻LIKE & 📣 SHARE.
Thank you! #jeremiah29:11 ♥️🙏🏼💖