The rules of me
1. People are stupid !
2.The greatest evil in life may result from the best intentions !
3 Master your passions so that they will not drive you, Only one thing is allowed to drive, and that is the reason !
4.In life don't to be afraid of anyone than yourself because nobody may do more harm than you can make yourself !
5.Life is the future not the past, life must be lived looking in front and understood looking back !
6.Don't bite the bait of pleasure before you make sure that does not have a hook hidden in it !
7.Happyness we will never reach, but it is worth looking for it all our lives !
8.Nothing can touch you when you master your knowledge,You can lose houses, cars, money or illusions. But your ideas can't ever be killed !
9.Life is a dream ... if the dream turns into a nightmare, stay quiet because at some point you wake up ...
10.It is better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you are not !