We can shine, we have Stella Moments of Humankind.
Have you ever read the book “Stella Moments of Humankind” (Sternstunden der Menschheit)? It’s a book that delves into the pivotal moments created by 14 remarkable historical figures. While recounting their stories, the author Stefan Zweig skillfully portrays the complex emotions they experienced during these significant historical events, which ultimately reshaped the world. Stars shine brightest in the dark, darkness leads us to stellar moments in our lives. Dawn comes after the dark, it symbolizes new beginnings, hope, and the start of my creative journey. Through my lens, I aim to capture and present these luminous moments of the world.
你讀過《人類群星閃耀時 der Menschheit)這本書嗎?這是一本深入探討了14位傑出歷史人物創造的關鍵時刻的書。在敘述他們的故事時,作者斯特凡·茨威格(Stefan Zweig)巧妙地描繪了他們在這些重大歷史事件中經歷的複雜情感,這些事件最終重塑了世界。星星在黑暗中最亮,黑暗引導我們走向生命中的閃耀時刻。黑暗之後是黎明,它象徵著新的開始、希望、和我創造性旅程的開始。通過我的鏡頭,我旨在捕捉和展現世界這些光輝的時刻。