CK D'zigns (Jeremiah 29:11..) Chosen by God and created in His awesome image! We are called to be the light, show the love of Christ! It is His will and not our own that prevails! From the foundation of the world God knew each of us, the very hair color, eye color and every aspect of our very existence. It is the Lord's desire that those that are His are with Him for all eternity (John 17:24). He gives us free-will to choose, He is the perfect Gentleman, He does not force anyone to choose Him, the choice is ours, we can choose to be with Him forever or to be separated from Him for all eternity....choose wisely! God bless and keep each of you!
Mary Magdeline's Kitchen by CK D'zigns is a mission given by God, it is my love of all things unique, all things art, and simple home staging to donate a portion of all proceeds to help the homeless community! Honoring God's wish, "Feed my people, both physically and spiritually!"
(Ministry of agape love! Jer. 29:11 in motion.)
🕊&💜 always!