Everyone is chasing something, everyone is running away from something. If you are in a quandary and don't know where to take your next step, perhaps this post will help you expand your horizons.
The story of how the author searches for what is most important - the truth. The truth about the place, time and purpose of life, moving through different planes of consciousness and fights his greatest enemy – fear - to build a better world.
I have written a book... What is this book about? Starting with a description of depressive states through psilocybin and medicinal mushrooms, referring to religion and the Bible, I describe an experience with Ayahuasca and all this is sprinkled with a lot of conspiracy theories. Of course, I can't help but add that in school we are taught things that are completely useless in life and where money actually comes from! At the end a short summary of how all this changes the way we think and approach the world...