Welcome to the official Srimatre Krishi youtube channel.
Srimatre Krishi offers revolutionary agricultural services at every step of farming to empowering farmers. It's part of Srimatre Agritech Private Limited. We believe farming is a pillar of the world and farmers are the backbone of the nation.
We provide quality services like Soil test, Land preparation, Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Nursery, Veterinary, Aqua, Feeds, Weather, Expert advice, Tips, Market prices, Irrigation, Training, Machinery, Agri lands, Loans, Rental and more services.
Our goal is to make sure that farmers in Bharat should be able to do ease of farming by providing advanced techniques.
Farmers book now revolutionary #Agriculturalservices of Srimatre Krishi and keep up with us by subscribing to the channel for the latest updates.
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To Become A Smart Farmer !!!!!