Welcome to the Eilecha YouTube channel!
Eilecha is a UK-based organization focused on creating opportunities for spiritual growth and experiential education in the local community and beyond. Through classes, content, events, trips, and experiences, Eilecha aims to foster an authentic Jewish experience that is deep, passionate, sincere, joyous, healthy, and eminently relevant, charting a course "Eilecha", toward a vibrant life lived in the warmth of Hashem's embrace. Together with the other organizations in the family of Jewish Futures, Eilecha is committed to doing its part to ensure a vibrant Jewish future for all.
The Lost Princess Initiative (formerly the name of this channel), also known by its initials LPI, is a global project of Eilecha, offering content and courses based on R' Yaakov Klein's "The Story of Our Lives", an in-depth exploration of Rebbe Nachman's short story, "The Lost Princess".
We hope you enjoy, and we look forward to hearing from you in the comments!