You may have heard us called by any and all of the following names: World Wide Group™, WWG™, WWDB, World Wide Dreambuilders™, World Wide Group LLC, World Wide, and who knows what else. We went through our teenage years, too. We've come a long way since then!
Currently, WWG™ supports thousands of Amway™ Independent Business Owners all across the globe and are an approved and accredited provider for Amway™ Training, Support, and Education.
We keep the guesswork out of business-building by sharing our knowledge with you so you can choose to integrate it in the ways you see fit for your business. We have the absolute VERY best tools to help get you where you want to be, faster. Our sole purpose is to create an environment where you are empowered to succeed and grow.
You're in business for yourself, but certainly not by yourself. We're here to help you figure it out, every step of the way.
You work hard to build your business;
World Wide Group is here to help you Build Your Life™.