'The world is not beautiful. Therefore it is.'
現在的香港不美, 但也因此可以很美.
土生土長的香港人, 時而腳踏實地, 時而踩著單車, 喜歡尋覓, 保存香港的美.
亦想分享給迫不得以離鄉背井的朋友, 讓大家離開家鄉感繼續感受香港的美.
A native of Hong Kong, sometimes walking, sometimes cycling, likes to explore and preserve the beauty of Hong Kong.
I also want to share it with friends who are forced to leave their hometowns, so that everyone can leave their hometown and continue to experience the beauty of Hong Kong.
Let friends from all over the world know Hong Kong.
(Google Translate)