Bday:March 13th!(:
Icon:♥Me(: Butt i kinda look purple!:3♥
I do N-O-T do S4S so please dont ask:/ i only sub too ppl who i want too anyways thats pretty much everybody:]
Orientation: STRAIGHT. I AM A GIRL.
Link to mine and bluesky509's second channel!
♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ
☮One day i was crying but i didnt know why. I then realized i was thinking of Y O U(:☮
☠ You have to remember that if you fall in love,make sure they are willing to catch you(:☠
♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ
People i LOVE! :
God,Mikyla,Emily,Eli,Justin,Juliana,Myself,All the Jordans i know,My family,Cameron M.,Hazel,Brandi, Mah doggie!,NeverShoutNever!!! If yu would like some love tell me and i will add yu up on my list!
♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ
Never Deletes (I need more!):
OMGeeee Jo, DONT DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!
I HACKED U , cause i luv u that much girl! I LUV U THIS MUCH IM SAYING THIS! I just wanted to say that! OUO I would EAT an elephant just to get near u! I OWN U CAUSE U SAID U OWN ME! Never delete again, cause this is a luving message! I LUVS U! :3
- Bluesky509 I love Yoohs:
xXMioKittyXx. "I love youuuu."
scenestarx3. " ur so sweet, too
u rock"
cocothekitty. "8 D
~luvs you~"
Theres probaly more but i got lazy:D
Bluesky509: LIKE MAII! I said, QUOTE: "awww i luv u too! ♥"
♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ ♥ღ
A b o u t M e :
*Im twelve years young(:
*Im a blonde. If you make stupid blonde jokes around me you can go away from my channel and suck your moms dick.
*I can be really mean if i want to be.
*I guess you could say im popular. But i will allways stay with my old frands and my new ones.
*I like being nice(:
*Stalkers and old ppl who i dont know scare me. So please dont waste your time on my page creeping me out.
*Make fun of me i will make fun of you.
*I call EVERYONE dude alot. Dont be offended if your a chick.
Thats perty much it!(: