Mostly videos of RPG Maker games. Be sure to read the rest of this description.
After Capella's Promise, my videos now contain important events as well as bosses. If you plan on fully watching the videos, be sure you've already bought and played the game up to the point of the video, or made a geas to buy the game in the future. If you have to, write down in your will that part of your assets will be used to buy whatever games you viewed gameplay for. Even if the game is freeware, it's best if you play it anyways because more players means more bug reports and feedback to help the developer perfect their project.
If you're a developer and you want to request an LP of your game, don't send me a key. If it looks interesting, I'll buy the game normally so I'm not just paying you with exposureβ’.
If you're thinking of posting a bug report in my comment section, just don't. You will have more infinitely more success at fixing the bug by contacting the dev or posting in their Discord.