A channel consisting of programmes broadcast by the BBC dated 2009 and managing (provisionally) to evade the "rights" police, close relatives of that other current manifestation of mental illness, the "identity" police.
Until mid-2012, BBC programmes could be downloaded from iPlayer as WMP files and the app FairUse4WM (duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=FairUse4WM&ia=web… used to remove the DRM. However, at this time, Microsoft decided to "improve" WMP by blocking the key extraction process. Get-iplayer (www.squarepenguin.co.uk/), the only alternative and aimed at the "selfie generation", produced predictably risible results. However, since 2013 and under 'new management', it has improved in leaps and bounds and now produces a reasonable c.2GB/hour programme file.
To avoid regional blocking use a VPN. The premier online security/privacy site Prism-Break (prism-break.org/en/) recommends Mullvad (mullvad.net/en/) or Riseup (riseup.net/en).