If we use labels to describe people, they should be helpful for those people, rather than counter-productive. People should be free to make up their mind, and to CHANGE their mind - It is theirs! The fact that experts are so varied in their views means the rest of us are free to Pick-and-Mix what we know suits us best, and to reject what does not feel right.
Do some therapists seem like cult-leaders, strongly motivated by a belief system?
www.midground.me.uk - Whether a mediation approach can be used regarding memories and allegations of abuse along the lines of Dr Paul Simpson's work in the US 'Project Middle Ground'. See his book 'Second Thoughts'.
Survivorway channel is at youtube.com/user/survivorway/videos with Playlists for help in the UK.
TANSAL Abuse & Rights for miscarriages of justice and social issues at tansal.50megs.com