This is the official youtube channel of one-man alternative rock music project "FS", mainly dedicated to releasing new FS songs and music videos. However, you can find some non-music-related videos, such as presentations, vlogs, reviews, podcasts, art projects etc. - done by the "main guy" behind FS - on here, as well.
What genre or musical style does this weird "FS"-thing that you're talkin' bout have???
Well, as stated earlier, it is, in its core, alt rock. At least in FS's humble opinion, though, you can't really restrict it to that, since the occasional metalcore-, rap-, atmospheric electronica-, orchestral-, synth pop- or dubstep-song may pop up now and then. There are songs that combine two or more of these styles, as well. In short, FS is an amalgamation of many musical influences, since its creator is generally a huge fan of any type of music himself and can enjoy anything as long as it is melodic and harmonic and has at least some complexity to it.