Hello there, I'm VihMation or Vih for short and I make animations for fun cringey or not
This channel is also recommended 13+
don't mind me being radio silent or inactive for months since I have other things going on in my life that don't really give me time for to animate or draw digitally (school for example)
(do not reupload my content onto other platforms.)
This channel is mostly for fun so don't really expect any 'professional animations' content cause I'm still improving
// What do I use to make videos //
IbisPaint to draw characters or other stuff there
Capcut or AlightMotion to put everything together
IbisPaint or ToonSquid for frame by frame animation (I'm learning to do that still)
My iPad and Apple pencil to draw (or fingers if I have to ._.)
Anyways hope you enjoy what I make and I hope you're having a great day