Hey Future & Current Behavior Analyst!
My name is Dominique, I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), BACB approved supervisor and owner of Shorter-Taylor Behavior Consulting, LLC. I specialize in mentoring aspiring BCBA's, conducting trainings, and advocating for children and adults with Autism to help increase their independence, self fulfillment, and quality of life through techniques of applied behavior analysis.
But, more importantly, I am a mother. I am a mother of a child with autism. I am a mother who has found ways to engage with my children and not feel helpless due to difficult behaviors or misunderstandings. I identify "why" the difficult behaviors occur and implement strategies to replace them through more acceptance. I am a mom & BCBA with Tips, Treats, and alllll the Tea associated with applying ABA to our EVERYDAY in a PRACTICAL WAY!