To encouraging people to Sit at Jesus feet & Intercede for All Nations, All People, Issues all over the World. And Educating people what to pray for every Nation. Sit@Jesus is a divine intervention to prepare every Nation for the Kingdom of God, Join this this Online Prayer Movement one Nation everyday. To prepare every Nation for the Kingdom of God
Every Single Prayer Matters
Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for Him (Mark 1:3)
Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool (Hebrew 1:13)
Educating and encouraging the global church to intercede at the feet of Jesus to See God’s kingdom
come on Earth through united intensive intercession
Sitting with Jesus until he destroys the works the Evil on Earth
Preparing the church for the coming of King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Seeing God’s kingdom come on Earth through united intensive intercession