My dear lovely family.I am animesh,my son anish&my wife laboni.we live in a small hillâ°ī¸ village in Telangana.we are belong to Bengali family.
We love nature atmosphere đđąđ˛đŗđī¸.
She(laboni)loves cook different different traditional food.she almost try to cook traditional food.she always cook varieties foods recipes.she cook with village organic vegetables and used all organic ingredients with her grinding stone.
I(animesh)B.Sc.nursing and also study D.Pharma.i love organic food. We have a son(anish)his age 8 years.
Finally in our videos you can watch &learn how to cook varieties kalkatta & Telangana Traditional foods.Also you can watch natural atmosphere and small village Life style blog.
We love you to join with us to live Traditional K.T. Village food.
From animesh,anish,laboni.