2022 Clouds are man made. I was watching a video about starlink spaceX, they show all the satellites all over the earth for internet. The lady says they look like moving stars. That's when it clicked, it is SPACEX FORMING AND MOVING THE CLOUDS.
The other part of my channel: Dec.2014 is when I became aware I am electronically harassed. The harassers allowed me to hear them.This has eaten up my life, lost respect from others. So, the people that know me, when I talk to them they would always know I am speaking the truth, they are the ones you expect to believe you for that reason, most will, because I never lied to them before.But those that don't know me, think I am making shit up. I share what I found and what I see. It's hard for some to believe. When telling someone about any thing I share from here , I like to show this video about this clip from CBS news MAN AND MACHINE youtu.be/4CoeewVKYaM After they see this, makes it easier to except other things that are out there.