This is channel to spread motivational quotes for enhancing positive vibes, seek peace of mind, knowing Islamic quotes, reward, pray, Rasulullah, God, the one creator, who creates universe, who creates human, who creates the sky and the earth and what is beyond it, the immortal, ridho Allah, grace, bless, blessing, happiness, mindset, mindful, consistent, prophets, Mecca, hajj, umroh, ramadhan, Fasting, sholat, Subuh, Dzuhur, ashar, Maghrib, isya, Rasulullah companions, miracle, gift, influence, paradise, heaven, eternity, jannah, humanity, peaceful, friendship, friends till jannah, alim, ulama, ustadz, growing up, faith, faithful, trustworthy, positive, smile, good, nice, spirit, spiritual, healing, strong, beliefs, believer, relieve, religion, akhirat, life after death, journey, family, moslem, masjid, aqidah, tauhid, makrifat, tawhid, shalawat, true seeker, thoughtful, precious, calm, relaxing, relationship with God, the almighty, saviour, ahad, Islamic, speaker, sincere, regards,