This channel is all about sharing some birding adventures with you guys. By far most of the videos here will be made with a technique called "digiscoping" (= taking images with a smartphone through a spotting scope). I am a big fan of Kowa Optics ! Kowa scopes are amongst thé very best for digiscoping. Thanks for joining me and I hope I can bring some nice outdoor images from the field into your homes to enjoy !
I do have a photography business called AQUILA PIXELS, settled in Veurne (Belgium) were we sell Kowa Optics scopes and binoculars for nature observation. Look me up on Fbook, and welcome with your questions to " aquilapixels(AT) ".
(*disclaimer I do hope there is no copyright or trademark on the term kowascoping, i haven't found any indication in that direction).
#digiscoping #kowa #kowaoptics #aquilapixels #naturephotography #Veurne #videoscope