The work combines current cognitive neuroscience, modern physics, meditation and yoga as well as other practices into a simple, empirical approach to nondual awakening.
Gary Weber has done over 30,000 hours of meditation and yoga with various teachers in various disciplines and countries. A Ph.D. in physical sciences, he worked in military, national labs, industry, and academia in R&D and management. He has two daughters and authored "Happiness Beyond Thought: A Practical Guide to Awakening" and "Dancing Beyond Thought: Bhagavad Gita Verses and Dialogues for Awakening" and was passed by two Rinzai zen masters.
Gary was a subject and/or collaborator in cognitive neuroscience/meditation studies at Baumann Institute, IONS, CSNSC, Yale and Johns Hopkins, and presented at SAND (2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 -- Europe and US), Asia Consciousness Festival (Hong Kong -- 2010), TSC (2011-Stockholm, 2012 -Tucson), Yale, Haverford, Princeton, Penn State, Dartmouth, TAT, and SCAD.