Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello guys, welcome to MANGYOSS STORY.
Previously, the name of this channel was MANGYOSS CHANNEL. So, starting in 2022, the name of the channel has been changed to CERITA MANGYOSS (mangyoss Story) and divided video content through playlists as follows:
1. Mangyoss story
2. Gadget Stories
3. Automotive Stories
4. High school story
5. Gaming Stories
Please support from all subscribers and residents of YouTube so that I can continue to work through this channel even if it's just a stupid and useless video :'( (hopefully it's useful).
Thank you very much for always watching MANGYOSS STORY videos to the end.
Thank you also for subscribing, liking, commenting, sharing so far..
Thank you very much!
best regards,
Yossy Setiawan
Suggestions and input about this channel can be e-mailed to:,
Want to treat me coffee?