Hello my friends! My name is Jesika and I love playing video games. Here is a collection of the role-playing games that I believe tell great stories and are super fun to play!
Current Game:
- Fallout New Vegas
Completed Let's Plays:
- Dragon Age Series (Origins, II, Inquisition)
- The Witcher (1-3)
- Mass Effect Legendary Edition
- The Outer Worlds
- BioShock (1-2, Infinite)
- Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines (Tremere + Malkavian)
- Fallout 1-3
- LA: Noire
- Red Dead Redemption 2
- Detroit: Become Human
- Tomb Raider, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider
- Cyberpunk 2077
Rough PC Specs
i9 Processor + water cooler
16GB Ram
2x SSD
Logitech keyboard + gaming mouse
Plus a couple of external hard drives