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16K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Simpsons videos and other stuff.

Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 2 years ago


Times are tight, which means I've needed to use my free time to try to make money, which has meant I have no time to make Simpsons videos.

I would rather be making Simpsons videos, obviously. You can help with that! My Ko-fi now has membership tiers with perks. Please consider signing up or making a one-time donation if you've enjoyed my content over the years. You can also purchase items at my threadless store!


95 - 9

Posted 4 years ago

I hope you all enjoy the new video. I did a new Sugar shirt which is available at my store on Threadless. There should be a link somewhere on this channel, otherwise it's Also working on a Mendoza shirt. OH! And I have a Ko-Fi account if you're so inclined!

97 - 17

Posted 4 years ago

Me again. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I work in an "essential" service so unfortunately haven't been able to use this time to make vids but more are planned and coming.

My Twitter account got pooched because apparently when you make a joke about hoping a racist politician gets coronavirus they suspend you. I put my new one in the link, if you're looking for video previews and whatnot.

More shirt designs coming as well, since my hours got cut way down and I'm not eligible for any support since I'm still technically working, and all the extra income I can get will be quite helpful. Translation: I've got my mooching sack out, but it's my little one.

I hope you all live in countries where you get lots of government cash.

Farewell for now,


82 - 11

Posted 5 years ago

Hey folks, so my dad went through treatment for throat cancer in the fall and seemed to be doing alright, but it came back after new year's - he went downhill really fast and died a few days ago. We were a bit estranged but got to reconnect with a few visits after I heard the news and I got to say goodbye the day before he died when I visited him in hospice.

This is all to say I've been pretty messed up about stuff in the last few weeks so new videos might take a little longer, thanks for your patience.

450 - 73

Posted 5 years ago

Hey folks, the new Sugar video is coming, I've got two more sequences to do then I will release the new one. In the meantime, if you want to support me please order a t-shirt!

38 - 2

Posted 5 years ago

New compilation coming soon, on another Old Jewish Manposting streak and the videos are much more labour-intensive.

41 - 3

Posted 5 years ago

Greetings my good jerkwads,

What kind of posts would you like to see? More of the same? Or videos that take shitposting to strange new places?

Personally speaking I'm not that creative so I'm gonna do another set of liver and onions and maybe old jewish man, but other options could be explored. There's so much Simpsons content to mine that possibilities are practically limitless.

Thanks for your subs and all your kind words, by the way. I read them all and they really touch the ol' ticker.

- Justin aka Juice One

162 - 102