Pandit DEVI SANDHYA JEE Bhagwatachary: 9754317629 ,9754966200-This Channel Belongs to Rastriya Dharm Pravakta, Bhagwatachary Pandit DEVI SANDHYA JEE, CONTACT N. +91-9754317629, Devi Sandhya Jee is a Sangeetmayi Shrimad Bhagwat Katha, Shri Raam Katha, Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Katha & Shri Shiv Maha Puraan Katha Pravakta. She is speaking for spirituality since the age of 9 Year. She is one of the best spiritual & bhagwat Katha speakers of India. She have already covered approx. 500 places by her shrimad bhagwat katha programs all over India & abroad.
Any public or personal organiser may contact her directly on his office No. +91-9754317629 & +91-9754966200 for organizing these spreatual programs in there city or rural areas.